August 23, 2024

2024 Hydrant Painting

In the coming weeks, you will see Ferguson Waterworks painting fire hydrants on the south side of Kaukauna. This project is important for maintenance and upkeep, improving aesthetics, enhancing visibility for emergency personnel (especially in winter), and updating the color coding to follow National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines. Hydrant colors will be based on water flow capacity, with approximately 90% of the hydrants being painted green. Rest assured, all hydrants meet the required flow for fire emergencies.

In 2024, hydrants will be painted in neighborhoods south of CE – see map below. We will continue this project through the rest of the city in the coming years.

As a reminder, residents are not permitted to paint or maintain fire hydrants. If you have any questions, please contact us directly at 920-858-9180.