There are many misconceptions on how to keep your utility bills down in the winter. Kaukauna Utilities and Focus on Energy are here to bust those myths – providing you ways to keep your energy costs down without sacrificing comfort.
Myth: Turning down the thermostat during the day will make my furnace work harder later.
Truth: Your furnace will run for a shorter time and use far less energy to heat up a cool house than it would if you kept the house warm all day.
Myth: You should close the vents in rooms you are not using to save energy.
Truth: Closing vents will restrict airflow coming out of the furnace, causing the blower motor to work harder which will affect the comfort level of the rest of the home.
Myth: Electric space heaters are better than heating the whole house.
Truth: These are major energy suckers. It is impractical, expensive, and potentially dangerous to have a space heater running for a long period of time. If you really want to cut energy costs for heating, try turning your thermostat down a degree or two.