This month’s bill messages include:
Are you prepared? Occasionally, utility services may be interrupted by unanticipated events such as storms. A storm emergency kit should include candles, matches, working flashlight, battery powered radio, spare batteries, first-aid kit, water, and non-perishable snacks.
Kaukauna Utilities has been experiencing a high volume of calls regarding failed payments from customers using online bill pay through their bank’s website. If you’ve experienced this issue, or to avoid any future issues, please enter the account number exactly as shown on this bill, including the dash. Feel free to contact us at 920-462-0234 if you have any questions or need assistance.
CUSTOMER INCENTIVES/REBATES! Did you know Kaukauna Utilities offers some pretty awesome incentives for you as our residential customer? We have Energy Star appliance rebates if you purchase a new washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, freezer, dehumidifier, dishwasher, room air conditioner, or heat pump water heater. Choose to ‘Go Green’ and switch to battery powered yard equipment. Yep, we offer incentives for those too! Lawn mower, snow blower, leaf blower, hedge trimmer, and chainsaw! Check out our web site for these rebates and see what else we have to offer at or contact Steve, our Energy Services Manager at 920-462-0251.