On your monthly utility statement, you will see a sewer consumption charge. This charge is for Kaukauna sewer customers and is based on water consumption (water consumption x sewer rate/100).
Throughout the summer, many residents use extra water for lawns, gardens, or pools. Did you know your sewer bill is adjusted automatically from May to September to account for this increased water consumption? During these months, your sewer charges are capped at 120% of your average water usage from October to April.
The KU Billing & Customer Service Department reviews water leak detection reports for higher-than-normal customer water usage. If your service address is listed in the report, a representative may contact you to check if you’re aware of the increased use. Common causes include leaking toilets, water heaters, water softeners, or inside/outside faucets. If you can’t find the leak yourself, we can send a technician to help identify it for free.
Please contact the Billing & Customer Service Department at 920-462-0234 if you’re watering your lawn, filling a pool, or if you discover a leak at your home. It can save you money!
If high water usage during summer (May through September):
- Customer service staff notes your utility account and staff will see there is no need to reach out to you when higher use is alerted.
- Seasonal sewer bill adjustment is automatic for May through September billing statements.
If high water usage October through April:
- Customer service staff notes your utility account.
- Next billing statement is submitted for a sewer bill credit.
- Usage for month(s) that receive a sewer bill credit will not be included in your next seasonal sewer bill adjustment calculation. This is where it saves you money by keeping your average lower.