Pricing Options

Could your business reduce electrical consumption on short notice, for a few hours per year, with very little effect on operational costs? Would you like to be compensated for doing so? Find out if you qualify for one of our curtailable programs:

Interruptible Load Credits

Managing the demand for electricity when temperatures soar is critical to maintaining a reliable and affordable power supply. Large power customers who have the ability to shift energy usage and turn off equipment for brief stretches of time can reduce their monthly power costs while helping to ensure electric reliability during peak demand periods.

Our Interruptible Load Credits provide participating businesses with a financial incentive to reduce the strain on the electric system when the demand and price for power surges. By shedding load upon request during high-demand periods, customers can save money on their energy bill while allowing utilities to reduce peaks and control their costs.

The Interruptible Load Credits are available to commercial and industrial customers with an average peak monthly demand of at least 1,000 kilowatts (kW) who have the ability to shed a minimum of 500 kW of electrical load when notified.

Participants contract directly with our power supplier, WPPI Energy. Flexible contracts are available for either 5 or 10 years and are customized to fit individual customer needs.

In exchange for reducing energy consumption during periods of extreme demand for power, participants receive a payment each month from WPPI Energy. Monthly program payments are guaranteed regardless of whether or not participants are actually called upon to reduce their energy use.

During peak usage times, typically occurring in the hottest days of the summer, interruptions will be limited to no more than 40 hours per month and 300 hours per year. WPPI Energy will contact program participants at least 55 minutes prior to the need to cut energy usage and will provide an estimate of the interruption duration. When the interruption has ended, WPPI Energy will notify participants so normal operations can be resumed.

Call us for more details on this energy management program designed to enhance system wide electric reliability by rewarding large power customers for significantly reducing energy consumption when the demand for power peaks.

Download the Interruptible Load Credits Flier (PDF)

For more information, contact our Energy Services Manager at (920) 462-0251.

Market-Based Pricing: Curtailable Option

During the summer of 1998, daily and hourly wholesale electric prices hit record highs that were exponentially above previous highs. The price spikes drew the attention of many, including some large commercial and industrial customers who indicated that they would be willing to curtail their consumption of firm electric service if compensated at such levels. WPPI Energy’s Market-Based Pricing: Curtailable Option was designed in response to this expressed customer interest and was the first offering of its type in Wisconsin.

The Market-Based Pricing: Curtailable Option provides retail customers with the option (but not the obligation) of curtailing firm usage during high price conditions for a payment tied to the market price of energy at the time the customer curtails load.

This curtailable option is designed to produce demand elasticity, which should dampen price spikes and protect customers that must have an uninterrupted supply of power.

The Market-Based Pricing: Curtailable Option is available to any customer who meets the following eligibility criteria.

  1. The sum of the monthly peak demands during the last complete calendar year must be greater than 60,000 kW.
  2. The Participant must have 2000 kW or greater of firm load that they are able to curtail during emergency situations.

Download the Market-Based Pricing: Curtailable Option Flier (PDF)

For more information, contact our Energy Services Manager at (920) 462-0251.

RFP for Energy Efficiency

The Energy Efficiency program is designed to encourage investment by large commercial and industrial utility customers in energy efficient improvements. Up to $250,000 of incentive funding is available for each bid cycle!

View Details

Additional Resources

New Construction Design Assistance

We provide design assistance to improve the energy efficiency of non-residential new construction projects.

Learn More
Shared Savings Program for Businesses

We’re giving businesses the upfront capital needed to make qualifying energy-efficiency improvements – up to $50,000.

Learn More
Efficiency Improvement Incentive

Helping business customers enhance the energy efficiency of their facilities and improve their bottom line!

Learn More