Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Improving the “envelope” or “shell’ of your home by adding insulation and air sealing is often the most cost-effective way to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable. That’s because insulation keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. When you upgrade your insulation, Focus on Energy has financial incentives for increasing the energy efficiency of your home by air sealing and insulating. You can also maximize the comfort and safety of your home while minimizing utility bills through Focus on Energy’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.

Homeowners can receive an energy assessment performed by a certified contractor who will then recommend upgrades specific to your home’s needs.  If you choose to move forward with the recommend upgrades, Focus on Energy will provide cash-back rewards.

Rebate Programs

There are a number of rebate programs available for homeowners when you upgrade your appliances, faucets, air conditioning, lighting, toilets, and more. Building a new home? There’s a number of rebates for you, too.

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