Residential Rewards Program: Home Heating and Cooling, Water Heating, Air Sealing and Attic Insulation

If your furnace, boiler or water heating equipment is over 10 years old you may benefit from the Focus on Energy Residential Rewards Program. Today’s high-efficiency furnaces, boilers and water heaters convert almost all their fuel into heat for your home or water, saving you energy and money.

The Residential Rewards Program helps you take charge of the energy you use by making high-efficiency furnaces, boilers and water heaters more affordable and by making energy-efficiency upgrades in your home; you have the potential to cut your bills in half.

Focus on Energy’s Residential Rewards Program offers incentives to customers for the replacement of furnaces, boilers and water heaters with high-efficiency equipment.

Income qualified assistance

Income-qualified Wisconsin residents may be eligible for enhanced incentives for high-efficiency heating equipment, air sealing and insulation through Focus on Energy’s income assistance programs. If your gross household income is between 60% – 80% of State Median Income, contact Focus on Energy at 800-762-7077 for more information today.

Rebate Programs

There are a number of rebate programs available for homeowners when you upgrade your appliances, faucets, air conditioning, lighting, toilets, and more. Building a new home? There’s a number of rebates for you, too.

Find Rebates

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