New Bill Format

You may have noticed that your bill from Kaukauna Utilities has changed. Some modifications have been made in an attempt to make the bill easier to understand and more user friendly. Shown here is a sample bill with descriptions of the various components. The message box has been moved to the bottom of the statement. […]

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Kaukauna Utilities Responds to Florida’s Request for Line Workers.

FPL has requested more than 2,000 line workers to assist in this restoration. Journey Line Technicians Rich Sorenson and Josh Rohan from Kaukauna Utilities are currently in-route in a fully equipped KU bucket truck to assist in this restoration. They will be working in Southern Florida for a minimum of 2 weeks. Two journey line […]

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Kaukauna & Shawano Crews Return from FL

Residents of Miami were very happy to see the KU line truck roll through their neighborhood with hope of restored power close to follow. The crews asked one resident if they could get through a gate on his property. He said if they couldn’t get through he’d push the fence down so they could fix […]

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Space Heater Safety

Used properly, portable space heaters can be a cost-effective way to warm up cool spots throughout homes. Kaukauna Utilities is reminding its customers to exercise caution when using space heaters in order to avoid potentially hazardous situations. Among the space heaters on the market today, electric models are the most economical and safest option. Newer […]

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KU Celebrates Public Power Week

Kaukauna Utilities will celebrate Public Power Week with a Customer Appreciation Day on Wednesday, October 5 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A free ash tree will be given to the first 1,000 customers. Bucket rides will be provided from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. There will also be popcorn, soda and Culver’s ice cream. Customers […]

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Facility Project Update

Kaukauna Utilities is currently involved in a three-year building expansion/remodeling project. This upgrade of the KU facilities will accommodate current and future growth of the utility over the next 20 years. To date, KU has received approval from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to proceed with the project, as they have deemed it justifiable. […]

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Badger Hydro Project

The Old Badger/New Badger and Rapide Croche Hydro Electric Plants are currently licensed under the same Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license. The current license expires 12/31/2018. Kaukauna Utilities (KU) has determined through various studies and inspections that the Old Badger Plant is deteriorating to the extent that major renovations are required. The New Badger […]

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State of the Utility

On January 5, 1912, the City of Kaukauna began operation of a municipally owned electric utility at a cost of $50,000. Out of those humble beginnings in 1912, Kaukauna Utilities has grown into a respected locally owned provider of electric power and drinking water with $64 million in assets and $38 million in revenues. Phase […]

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Rate Adjustment

Effective January 1, 2005, Kaukauna Utilities has new electric rates. Click here to view the new rates. The average residential customer using 750 Kwhs per month will see their bill go up about $5.00. Kaukauna Utilities’ electic rates remain among the lowest in the state and are significantly lower than the rates charged by the neighboring […]

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